Lower Costs
The costs of procedures performed at CityMed Day Hospital is much lower when compared to a general hospital, thanks to infrastructure and staffing requirements. Operating theatres in hospitals are equipped for more complex types of surgery, whereas our theatres do not require such a wide variety of technology and equipment.
In addition, general hospitals need medical staff with various types of qualifications in medicine, therefore increasing the staff compliment. Our day hospital only requires trained medical staff in the range of disciplines offered by the day hospital. Same day procedures also do not require nursing after hours.
No Overnight Stay
Patients are admitted, operated on and discharged on the same day. It is especially convenient where children are concerned, as they do not have to sleep in an unfamiliar environment.
Shorter Recovery
Due to the fact that patients return home on the same day, the risks of cross infection are reduced. CityMed Day Hospital makes use of the latest technology when procedures are performed, thereby ensuring that recovery is generally faster.
Reduces Anxiety
Day surgery is generally less disruptive and anxiety-inducing than undergoing surgical procedures in hospital. It is especially beneficial to children, as their parents can remain with them virtually throughout the day of the procedure.
In addition to its convenient location, CityMed Day Hospital also offers planned and guaranteed admissions, as well as a planned time of discharge. This makes planning the surgery and all related arrangements much easier for patients and their loved ones.
Benefits to Doctors
Surgeons and anaesthetists are able to plan operating times, thereby increasing their productivity.
Benefits to Nursing Staff
Nursing staff are able to work regular hours with no overnight duties.
Benefits to Medical Aid Schemes
The National Reference Price List tariffs are generally lower for same day procedures performed in day hospitals compared to general hospitals. Also, faster recovery of same day procedures reduces the expenses for medical aids.

Save Time in the Comfort of your Home
In order for us to be able to process your application, please ensure that you complete
and submit the form at least five (5) working days prior to admission.
Day hospitals manage to keep costs down by offering minor surgical procedures, which do not require an overnight stay. In other words, patients only pay for what they need – not for the overhead costs to keep a hospital in operation.
CityMed Day Hospital offers comfortable, clean surroundings where patients are taken care of by trained, professional staff members. The hospital is a member of both the New National Hospital Network (NNHN) and the Hospital Association of South Africa (HASA). All procedures are performed by skilled specialists, registered at the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HCPSA).
In future, we plan to establish day hospitals across the country, providing same-day surgery at affordable prices, within a safe and privately managed environment. Trust us to take care of you, your family and your pocket!
Undergoing surgery can cause a lot of anxiety in patients. Therefore, it is important to prepare yourself as well as possible for the day of surgery.

National Hospital Network
CityMed are members of the New National Hospital Network.
The NHN negotiates with medical aid schemes on behalf
of its members.
The members are comprised of independent private hospitals, day hospitals, psychiatric clinics and ophthalmic clinics.

Hospital Association of South Africa (HASA)
CityMed are also members of HASA. HASA is an industry association that represents the collective interests of the majority of private hospital groups and independently owned private hospitals in South Africa. HASA functions as the official mouthpiece of South Africa’s private hospital industry.