“Elevate the voice of patients!”
World Patient Safety Day, observed annually on 17 September, aims to raise global awareness about patient safety and call for solidarity and united action by all countries and international partners to reduce patient harm.
Childhood Cancer Awareness Month
Children, Youth & Reducing Cancer Risk
CANSA aims to reinforce the importance of taking up positive lifestyle behaviours during childhood, resulting in our SA Youth embracing a balanced lifestyle throughout their lives.
This will help to reduce their risk for cancer and other lifestyle related diseases, later in life.
Trust Us to Take Care of You and Your Family
In 1995, CityMed Day Hospital in Bloemfontein was established. Its vision was to make private health care more affordable and therefore more accessible to more South Africans.
Below are the benefits of utilising a day hospital facility with the Day Hospital Association of South Africa for Doctors and Specialists:
- Quicker turnaround time
- No staff shifts/rotation – work with the people you know
- Nursing staff involved in all aspects of the patients stay
- Assistance with pre-authorisations
- Flexible and negotiable co-payments
- Be part of system – Medical aid will channel patients
- Day Clinic is a safer / easier controllable environment, less risk
- Doctors form part of the system to reduce costs for the industry
- Safeguard funders reserves
- More Patients can be reached
- Lower costs for the same procedures
Source: http://www.dhasa.co.za/benefits-of-day-hospitals-for-doctors-and-specialists/